1. Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Geography and Dept. of Environmental Science, School of the Environment, Portland State Univ., 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201 (corresponding author). ORCID: .
2. Ph.D. Candidate, Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, College of Urban and Public Affairs, Portland State Univ., 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201.
3. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Population Health, NYU Langone Medical Center and Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service, New York Univ., Puck Build., 295 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012.
4. Postdoctoral Researcher, Global Institute of Sustainability, School of Sustainability, Arizona State Univ., Wrigley Hall, Tempe, AZ 85281.
5. Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Communication, Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks, 505 S Chandalar Dr., Fairbanks, AK 99775.
6. Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Urban Planning, Columbia Univ., 116th St. and Broadway, New York, NY 10027.
7. Assistant Professor, School for the Future of Innovation in Society and Polytechnic School, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State Univ., P.O. Box 875603, Tempe, AZ 85287-5603.
8. Distinguished Sustainability Scientist, Professor and Founding Director, Global Institute of Sustainability, School of Sustainability, Virginia M Ulllman Professor, Natural History and the Environment, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arizona State Univ., Wrigley Hall, Tempe, AZ 85281.