1. AGRA Earth and Environmental (1998) Geotechnical Engineering Report - River Road Widening and Realignment Project AEE Job No. 8-127-000-016 submitted to Pima County Dept. of Transportation Tucson AZ.
2. DeNatale J.S. (1998a) Prediction of Slope Deformation: The River Road Realignment Project Report prepared for Envirotech Southwest Tucson AZ.
3. DeNatale J.S. (1998b) Analysis of Slope Stability: The Altamira Section of River Road Report prepared for Envirotech Southwest Tucson AZ.
4. Desert Earth Engineering (1987) Geotechnical Engineering Slope Stability Analysis on 3 Subject Slopes Along the North Shoulder of River Road Between 1 st Avenue and Via Entrada Tucson Arizona a report submitted to Pima County Dept. of Transportation Tucson AZ.
5. Engineers International Inc. (1991) River Road: First to Campbell Slope Treatment Letter Report Pima County Project TR-87-049 County W.0.4BRVCS a report submitted to Rick Engineering Inc. Tucson AZ.