1. Structural Engineer and Graduate IPENZ, Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand, Level 3, 50 Customhouse Quay, Wellington, New Zealand; Ph.D. Student, Structural Timber Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Auckland, 20 Symonds St., CBD, Private Bag 92019, Victoria St. West, Auckland 1142, New Zealand (corresponding author).
2. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Structural Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Auckland, 20 Symonds St., CBD, Private Bag 92019, Victoria St. West, Auckland 1142, New Zealand.
3. FIPENZ, Professor of Timber Design and Head, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Auckland, 20 Symonds St., CBD, Private Bag 92019, Victoria St. West, Auckland 1142, New Zealand.