1. Yu W.W. (1991). Cold -Formed Steel Design Second Edition John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York.
2. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. Report J98-00427 (1998). Negative Load Test Nominal 4-foot by 8-foot Panels Steel studs 2-feet on centers ET&F pneumatically driven pins AGS-100-0150 Jan.
3. International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO). (1995). Report No. 4144 Plywood Deck Diaphragms and Shear Walls Attached with ET&F Fastening Systems Inc. Dec.
4. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). (1996). Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members
5. Pekoz Teoman (1990). Design of Cold-Formed Steel Screw Connections Tenth International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures St. Louis Missouri Oct. 575-587