1. Awwa Research Foundation and Sandia National Laboratories Risk Assessment Methodology for Water Utilities (RAM-W TM ) Second Edition published by Awwa Research Foundation Denver Colorado 2002.
2. General Accounting Office "Drinking Water: expert views on how future federal funding can best be spent to improve security " GAO Report October 2003. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d0429.pdf
3. Biological warfare agents as threats to potable water.
4. Clark Robert and Rolf Deininger. "Minimizing the vulnerability of water supplies to natural and terrorist threats " American Water Works Association IMTech Conference Proceedings 2001.
5. Friedman Melinda Andrew Hill and Steve Via. "Permeation and Leaching " 2002. http://www.epa.gov/safewater/tcr/pdf/permleach.pdf.