1. Charles L. Mader "Detonations Near the Water Surface " Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory report LA-4958 (1972).
2. James D. Kershner and Charles L. Mader "2DE: A Two Dimensional Continuous Eulerian Hydrodynamic Code for Computing Multicomponent Reactive Hydrodynamic Problems " Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory report LA-4932 (1972).
3. Bobby G. Craig "Experimental Observations of Underwater Detonations Near the Water Surface " Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory report LA-5548-MS (1974).
4. Charles L. Mader "Numerical Simulation of Tsunamis " Hawaii Institute of Geophysics report HIG-73-3 and Joint Tsunami Research Effort report NOAA-JTRE-85 (1973) also J. Physical Oceanography 4 74-82 (1974).
5. C. W. Hirt private communication.