1. Fairchild J.C. "Laboratory Tests of Longshore Transport" in Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Coastal Engineering Chapter 55 pages 867-889 1970a.
2. Fairchild J.C. "Wave Diffraction in a Laboratory Movable-Bed Setup " Bulletin and Summary of Research Progress Fiscal Years 1967-69 Vol. Ill U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Coastal Engineering Research Center Washington DC pp. 29-40 1970b.
3. Savage R.P. "Laboratory Study of the Effect of Groins on the Rate of Littoral Transport: Equipment Development and Initial Tests " U.S. Army Beach Erosion Board Technical Memorandum No. 114 56 pp. June 1959.
4. Savage R.P. "Laboratory Determination of Littoral-Transport Rates " Journal of the Waterways and Harbors Division ASCE No. WW2 May 1962 pp. 69-92.