1. Arham M. and R. Ezraty (1975) "Saisie et Analyse de Donn£es des Courants Particulaires au Voisinage du Fond Dans La Houle Littorale Proche du Deferlement " La Houille Blanche No. 7/8 1975 p. 484-496.
2. Black K.P. (1978) "Wave Transmission Over Shallow Reef (Field Measurements and Data Analysis " Tech. Rep. 78-42 J.K.K. Look Laboratory of Oceanographic Eng. Univ. of Hawaii March 1978 (Also published as M.S. thesis "Wave Transformation on a Coral Reef " Univ. of Melbourne Aust. April 1978).
3. Bushing F. (1976) "Energy Spectra of Irregular Surf Waves " Proc. of 15th International Conference on Coastal Eng. (July 1976 Honolulu) ASCE p. 539-559.
4. Goda Y. (1974) "Estimation of Wave Statistics from Spectral Info. " Proc. of Int. Symp. on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis " (Sept. 1974 New Orleans) ASCE.