1. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Infrastructural Engineering, HafenCity Univ., Überseesallee 16, Hamburg 20457, Germany (corresponding author).
2. Research Associate, Research Institutes of Sweden, Gibraltargatan 35, Gothenburg 41279, Sweden. ORCID: .
3. University Professor, Dept. of Infrastructural Engineering, HafenCity Univ., Überseesallee 16, Hamburg 20457, Germany. ORCID: .
4. Associate Professor, Research Institutes of Sweden, Gibraltargatan 35, Gothenburg 41279, Sweden.
5. Principal Researcher, Dept. of Technical Efficiency Research, Korea District Heating Corporation, 92, Gigok-Ro, Giheung-Gu, Yongin-Si Gyeonggi-Do 17099, Korea.
6. Associate Professor, Division Built Environment, Research Institutes of Sweden, Gothenburg 40022, Sweden. ORCID: .