1. Associate Professor, College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Guangxi Univ. of Science and Technology, No. 268, Donghuan Ave., Chengzhong District, Liuzhou, Guangxi 545006, China.
2. Lecturer and Master’s Student, College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Nanning Univ., No. 8, Longting Rd., Yongning District, Nanning, Guangxi 530200, China (corresponding author).
3. Associate Lecturer and Master’s Student, College of Civil and Surveying-Mapping Engineering, Guilin Univ. of Technology at Nanning, No. 21, East Airport Ave., Fusui District, Nanning, Guangxi 532100, China.
4. Master’s Student, College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Guilin Univ. of Technology, No. 12, Jian’gan Rd., Qixing, District, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, China.