1. Letter from Edward J. Kilcawley to Paul E. Hemke dated August 18 1954 Archives and Special Collections Folsom Library Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy NY.
2. Logan J. A. and Burden R. P. "The Public Health Aspect of Environmental Control by Engineering Means" Chadwick Lecture Royal Sanitary Institute London 1953.
3. Memorandum from Paul E. Hemke to the "Committee for study of proposed curriculum in Environmental Engineering" dated September 3 1954 Archives and Special Collections Folsom Library Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy NY.
4. Summary of Meeting Committee on Environmental Engineering dated September 23 1954 Archives and Special Collections Folsom Library Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy NY.
5. Letter from Sol Pincus to Edward J. Kilcawley dated September 27 1954 Archives and Special Collections Folsom Library Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy NY.