1. Abdalla J. A. (1989). “Object‐oriented principles and techniques for computer integrated design ” Ph.D. thesis University of California at Berkeley Calif.
2. Abdalla J. A. (1991). “An object‐oriented architecture and concept for an integrated structural engineering system.” Proc. Second Int. Conf. on Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Civil and Structural Engineering Oxford England.
3. Abdalla J. A. and An‐Nashif H. (1991). “Design and implementation of an object‐oriented database for structural engineering system.” Proc. of the Fourth Int. Conf. in Computing in Civil and Building Engineering Tokyo Japan.
4. Abdalla J. A. and Powell G. H. (1991). “Object Design Framework and Methodology for Structural Engineering.”
5. Ada programming language. (1983). USA Military Standard ANSI/MIL‐STD‐1815A ANSI Washington D.C.