1. Construction reports . (1986). Series C30 U.S. Bureau of Census Washington D.C.
2. Construction statistics yearbook . (1985). United Nations Dept. of Int. Economic and Social Affairs New York N.Y.
3. Eldukair Z. A. and Ayyub B. M. (1988a). “Safety assessment and optimization of construction operations based on fuzzy sets.” Tech. Report Dept. of Civ. Engrg. Univ. of Maryland College Park Md.
4. Eldukair Z. A. and Ayyub B. M. (1988b). “Second‐order fuzzy relations for safety assessment of construction operations.” Proc. 7th Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society San Francisco State Univ. 57–61.
5. Analysis of Events in Recent Structural Failures