1. Biggs J. M. (1964). Introduction to structural dynamics . McGraw-Hill Inc. New York N.Y.
2. The Oklahoma City Bombing: Summary and Recommendations for Multihazard Mitigation
3. Corley W. G. Sozen M. A. Thornton C. H. and Mlakar P. F. (1996). “The Oklahoma City bombing: improving building performance through multi-hazard mitigation.” FEMA Bulletin 277 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington D.C.
4. “Effects of impact and explosion.” (1946). Summary Tech. Rep. Div. 2 Vol. 1 . National Defense Research Committee Washington D.C.
5. “Fundamentals of protective design for conventional weapons effects.” (1986). Publ. No. TM5-855-1 . Department of the Army Washington D.C.