1. Constructive Sludge Management: Biobrick
2. Annual Book of ASTM Standards. (1987a). “Standard test method for unit weight and voids in aggregate.” Section 4 ASTM C29–87 Am. Soc. of Testing and Materials Philadelphia Pa. 04.02 1–5.
3. Annual Book of ASTM Standards. (1987b). “Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates.” Section 4 ASTM C33–86 Am. Soc. of Testing and Materials Philadelphia Pa. 04.02 12–21.
4. Annual Book of ASTM Standards. (1987c). “Standard test method for unit weight yield and air content of concrete.” Section 4 ASTM C138–81 Am. Soc. of Testing and Materials Philadelphia Pa. 04.02 105–108.
5. Annual Book of ASTM Standards. (1987d). “Standard test for slump of portland cement concrete.” Section 4 ASTM C143–78 (Reapproved 1984) Am. Soc. of Testing and Materials Philadelphia Pa. 04.02 109–113.