1. Per Åman is a senior lecturer in the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University. He holds a PhD in international business studies. Research interests include strategic and organizational change, globalization of R&D, knowledge synergies in M&A, knowledge integration in complex products and systems, and design management.
2. Hans Andersson is a senior lecturer in the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University. He holds a PhD in Business administration. His research interests cover innovative individuals in organizations, creativity, product development, design, and knowledge integration. He is currently involved in research on business models in recycling and other “green” contexts.
3. Mike Hobday is professor of Innovation Management and formerly head of CENTRIM (Center for Research in Innovation Management) at Brighton University—one of the world's leading institutes in innovation management research. He has led many research projects, including innovation and design, and the role of projects in bringing about innovation. Mike is the author of more than 200 publications including books and journal articles.