1. MICHEL FEHER is a philosopher and a founding editor of Zone, Books, NY (in 1986), as well as the president and cofounder, of Cette France-là, Paris (in 2008), a monitoring, group on French immigration policy. He is the author of, Powerless by Design: The Age of the International Community, (2000) and the co-editor of Nongovernmental Politics (2007), with Gaëlle Krikorian and Yates McKee. Most recently, he, co-edited “Europe at a Crossroads,” the pilot issue of Near, Futures Online, with William Callison,...
2. EYAL WEIZMAN, an architect, is Professor of Spatial and Visual, Cultures and Director of the Centre for Research, Architecture at Goldsmiths, University of London. Since, 2014, he has been a Global Professor at Princeton, University, and as of this year he is one of the directors of, the Centre for Investigative Journalism. In 2010 he set up, the research agency Forensic Architecture (FA), the subject, of a forthcoming book, “Forensic Architecture: Violence at, the Threshold of Detectability” (Zone Books...