1. Pascal James Imperato is Distinguished Service Professor of the State University of New York. His studies of Malian history, society, art, and culture have spanned forty years. He is the author of numerous articles and books on Bamana and Dogon art. Among these are Dogon Clif Dwellers: The Art of Mali's Mountain People (1978), Legends, Sorcerers, and Enchanted Lizards: Door Locks of the Bamana of Mali (2001), and African Mud Cloth: The Bogolanfni Art Tradition of Gneli Traoré of Mali (2006).
2. Gavin H. Imperato received his BA degree from Haverford College and his MS in Biology from New York University. He is currently continuing his graduate studies at the State University of New York, and recently conducted feld research in Mali on twins and twinning.