Adjusted Poverty Measures and the Distribution of Title I Aid: Does Title I Really Make the Rich States Richer?


Baker Bruce D.1,Taylor Lori2,Levin Jesse3,Chambers Jay3,Blankenship Charles3


1. (corresponding author) Department of Educational Theory, Policy & Administration Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick, NJ 08901

2. Bush School of Government and Public Service Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77845

3. American Institutes for Research San Mateo, CA 94403


Federal and state governments in the United States make extensive use of student poverty rates in compensatory aid programs like Title I. Unfortunately, the measures of student poverty that drive funding allocations under such programs are biased because they fail to reflect geographic differences in the cost of living. In this study, we construct alternative poverty income thresholds based on regional differences in the wage level for low-skilled workers. We then examine the distribution of Title I revenues after adjusting poverty rates for geographic differences in the cost of living and adjusting Title I revenues for geographic differences in the purchasing power of school districts. Our findings turn conventional wisdom on its head. We find that when we fully adjust for regional differences, Title I funding patterns disproportionately favor rural school districts in low cost-of-living states. We conclude with policy recommendations for revising Title I funding formulas.


MIT Press - Journals



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1. The role of poverty measurements in achieving educational equity through school finance reform;Journal of Productivity Analysis;2023-01-05

2. The under-funding of Latinx-serving school districts;Phi Delta Kappan;2020-02-24

3. Mind the Gap: 20 Years of Progress and Retrenchment in School Funding and Achievement Gaps;ETS Research Report Series;2016-05-11

4. The Changing Distribution of Educational Opportunities: 1993–2012;The Dynamics of Opportunity in America;2016

5. When Equality is not Equity: Regional Cost Differences and the Real Allocation of Educational Resources;Legal Frontiers in Education: Complex Law Issues for Leaders, Policymakers and Policy Implementers;2015-11-12







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