Resumptive Pronouns Can Ameliorate Illicit Island Extractions


Ackerman Lauren1,Frazier Michael2,Yoshida Masaya2


1. School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, United Kingdom,

2. Department of Linguistics, Northwestern University, 2016 Sheridan Ave., Evanston, IL 60208,


Syntax literature reports that resumptive pronouns (RPs) ameliorate island violations, but much psycholinguistics literature has found RPs to be no more acceptable than straightforwardly island-violating gaps, even though island production tasks consistently elicit RPs. However, psycholinguistic studies have typically compared RP and illicit gap conditions indirectly. We posit that RP island amelioration in comprehension is undetectable when participants cannot compare alternative sentences, and thus that the apparent production/comprehension split arises from methodological differences between perception and production experiments. We present six experiments crossing three island types in two tasks (full-sentence forced choice and forced-choice fill-in-the-blank), manipulating gap location (island vs. nonisland). We find that RPs are preferred in islands and gaps in nonislands ( p = .0001). This suggests that RPs do ameliorate island violations and that the production/comprehension split is a methodological artifact.


MIT Press - Journals


Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics

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1. Pronoun Processing;International Journal of Translation, Interpretation, and Applied Linguistics;2023-12-15

2. Island effects and amelioration by resumption in Jordanian Arabic: An auditory acceptability‐judgment study;Syntax;2023-12-14

3. The Puzzles of Topic Dislocations in Polish;Studies in Polish Linguistics;2023-04-28

4. The role of resumption in the acquisition of European Portuguese prepositional relative clauses by Chinese learners;Second Language Research;2023-01-17

5. Grammatical resumption and dependency processing in Southern Jordanian Arabic;Brill’s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics;2022-12-19







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