1. ROBERT A. HUMMER is Centennial Commission Professor in the Liberal Arts in the Department of Sociology and Faculty Research Associate in the Population Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin. His research fo cuses on the accurate description and more complete understanding of health and mortality disparities in the U.S. population. He is the coauthor of Living and Dying in the U.S.A.: Health, Behavioral, and Social Differentials of Adult Mortality (with Richard Rogers and Charles Nam, 2000)...
2. MARK D. HAYWARD is Professor of Sociology, Centennial Commission Professor in the Liberal Arts, and Faculty Research Associate in the Population Re search Center at the University of Texas at Austin. His primary research focus is how life-course exposures and events influence the morbidity and mortality experiences of the older population. He has published extensively on population health topics in such journals as Demography, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, and Social Science & Medicine.