1. Wayne Geerling is Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Economics, Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of Resistance as High Treason: Juvenile Resistance and Opposition in Nazi Germany (Melbourne, 2001); with Gary B. Magee, “Piecework and the Sovietization of the East German Workplace,” Central European History, XLV (2012), 717–743.
2. Gary B. Magee is Professor of Economics and Deputy Dean of Research, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University. He is the author, with Andrew S. Thompson, of Empire and Globalisation: Networks of People, Capital and Goods in the British World, 1850–1914 (New York, 2010); “The Importance of Being British: Imperial factors and the Growth of British Exports,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XXXVII (2007), 341–369.
3. Robert Brooks is Professor of Econometrics and Deputy Dean of Education, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University. He is the author, with Paula Hill and Robert Faff, of “Variations in Sovereign Quality Credit Assessments Across Rating Agencies,” Journal of Banking and Finance, XXXIV (2010), 1327–1343; “A Bayesian Approach to Bandwidth Selection for Multivariate Kernel Regression with an Application to State-Price Density Estimation,” Journal of Econometrics, CLIII (2009), 21–32.