1. Mathew Creighton is Assistant Professor of Political and Social Science, Pompeu Fabra University. He is the author of, with Noreen Goldman, Graciela Teruel, and Luis Rubalcava, “Migrant Networks and Pathways to Child Obesity in Mexico,” Social Science & Medicine, LXXII (2011), 683–693; with Hyunjoon Park, “Closing the Gender Gap: Six Decades of Reform in Mexican Education,” Comparative Education Review, LIV (2010), 513–537.
2. Christa Matthys is Ph.D. Fellow of the Flanders Research Foundation (fwo), Department of History, Ghent University. She is the author of, with Lefèbvre Wim, Gids van landbouwarchieven in België, 1795–2000 (Leuven, 2007); “‘Laet u niet verleiden door de glans der rykdommen’: Het huwelijksgedrag van dienstboden in Vlaanderen tijdens de negentiende eeuw,” in Koen Matthijs et al. (eds.), Leven in de Lage Landen: Historisch demografisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen en Nederland (Leuven, 2010), 101–119.
3. Luciana Quaranta is a doctoral student, Centre for Economic Demography and Department of Economic History, Lund University. She is the author of “Agency of Change: Fertility and Seasonal Migration in a Nineteenth Century Alpine Community,” European Journal of Population, published online July 26, 2011, and available at ; with Marco Breschi and Alessio Fornasin, “Heights of Twenty Years Old Males of Friuli (Italy) Born between 1846 and 1890, Statistica, LXVI (2006), 389–414.