1. Luís Espinha da Silveira is Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon. He is the author of Território e Poder: Nas Origens do Estado Contemporâneo em Portugal (Cascais, 1997); editor of Os Recenseamentos da População Portuguesa de 1801 e 1849: Edição Crítica (Lisbon, 2001).
2. Daniel Alves is Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon. He is the author of A Repú;blica atrás do balcão: Os lojistas de Lisboa na fase final da Monarquia (1870–1910) (Lisbon, 2010); “Entre o balcão e a política: os lojistas de Lisboa e o republicanismo (1870–1910),” Ler História, LIX (2010), 101–123.
3. Nuno Miguel Lima is a doctoral student, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon. He is the author of Os “Homens Bons” do Liberalismo: Os Maiores Contribuintes de Lisboa (1867–1893) (Lisbon, 2009); “Henry Burnay no contexto das fortunas da Lisboa Oitocentista,” Análise Social, XLIV (2009), 565–588.
4. Ana Alcântara is an MSc student in Geographical Information Systems and Science, ISEGI, New University of Lisbon, and a research assistant, benefiting from a research fellowship [SFRH/BTI/33380/2008] awarded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within the project (INVENT/0001/2007).
5. Josep Puig is a gis technician and an MSc student, University of Lleida, and a research assistant, benefiting from a research fellowship [SFRH/BTI/33897/2009] awarded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within the project (INVENT/0001/2007).