1. For a detailed description of the formation of Cairo and several other major cities of the Arab world, see N. AlSayyad, Cities and Caliphs: On the Genesis of Arab Muslim Urbanism (New York: Greenwood Press, 1991).
2. For a comprehensive description of changes in this street, see N. AlSayyad, "Bayn al-Qasrayn: The Street between Two Palaces," in Z. Celik, D. Favro and R. Ingersoll, eds., Streets: Critical Perspectives on Public Space (Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press, 1994).
3. AlSayyad [3] p. 74. For primary sources refer to A. Al-Baghdadi, Al-Ifadah wa Al-I'tibar, written 1204 A.D. (Cairo, 1946) and M. Ibn Sa'id, Kitab Al-Maghrib fi Hula Al-Maghrib, written 1243 A.D. (Cairo, 1950).
4. N. AlSayyad, The Streets of Islamic Cairo (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Aga Khan Program, 1981).
5. N. AlSayyad, "Modelling Traditional Islamic Cities," Mimar 12, No. 43 (June 1992).