1. C. H. Waddington, New Patterns in Genetics and Development (Columbia University Press 1962).
2. L. Wolpert, in (C. H, Waddington, ed.) Towards a Theoretical Biology 1: Prolegomena pp. 125–40 (Edinburgh University Press 1968).
3. L. Wolpert, in (C. H. Waddington, ed.) Towards a Theoretical Biology 3: Drafts pp. 198–228 (Edinburgh University Press 1970).
4. L. Wolpert, in (C. H. Waddington, ed.) Towards a Theoretical Biology 4: Essays pp. 83–94 (Edinburgh University Press 1972).
5. B. C. Goodwin and M. H. Cohen, J. theoret. Biol. 25 (1969) 49–107.