1. Society for American Archaeology 2000 John Rinaldo 1912–1999. Society for American Archaeology Bulletin 18(1):20.
2. University of Chicago Magazine 2000 John B. Rinaldo AM'37, Ph.D. ’41. Electronic document, http://magazine.uchicago.edu/0006/class-notes/deaths-print.html, accessed January 20, 2014.
3. Martin Paul S. , Rinaldo John B. , Longacre William A. , Cronin Constance , Freeman James Jr , and Schoenwetter Leslie G. 1962 Chapters in the Prehistory of Arizona, Volume I. Fieldiana: Anthropology 53:1–244.
4. Rinaldo John B. 1941b An Analysis of Prehistoric Anasazi Culture Change. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, Chicago.
5. Stocking George W. Jr. , 1979 Anthropology at Chicago: Tradition, Discipline, Department. The Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago, Chicago.