1. Tomashefsky, S.; Marks, M. Distributed Generation Strategic Plan; P700-02-002; California Energy Commission: Sacramento, CA, 2002.
2. Assessment of California CHP Market and Policy Options for Increased Penetration; Prepared for the California Energy Commission, Sacramento, CA by the Electric Power Research Institute: Palo Alto, CA, 2005.
3. New Jersey Energy Efficiency and Distributed Generation Market Assessment; Final Report to Rutgers University, Center for Energy, Economic and Environmental Policy by KEMA, Inc.: Burlington, MA, 2002.
4. Combined Heat and Power Market Potential for New York State. Prepared by Energy Nexus Group; Prepared for the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Albany, NY by Onsite Energy Corporation and Pace Energy Project: Carlsbad, CA, 2002.
5. Ianucci, J.; Horgan, S.; Eyer, J.; Cibulka, L. Air Pollution Emissions Impacts Associated with the Economic Market Potential of Distributed Generation in California; Prepared for the California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA, Contract No. 97-326, by Distributed Utility Associates: Livermore, CA, 2000.