1. a Oncologia Medica, Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italy
2. b Università degli Studi, Rome, Italy
3. c Erasmus MC, Daniel den Hoed Oncological Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
4. d A.Z. St. Jan, Brugge, Belgium
5. e Servicio de Oncologia, Hospital Virgen del Rocio, Seville, Spain
6. f Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
7. g Academic Breast Oncology Unit, Velindre Hosp, Cardiff, United Kingdom
8. h Department of Oncology, Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood, Luton, United Kingdom
9. i Scientific Direction, National Institute for Cancer Research, Genova, Italy