1. N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine
Traumatic testicular dislocation can be easily missed, especially against the background of obvious severe injuries in a patient with multiple and concomitant trauma. Despite the fact that traumatic testicular dislocation is a rare condition and does not pose an immediate threat to patient safety, it can cause serious consequences leading to male infertility. To prevent complications, this pathology should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. For this purpose, it is necessary to exercise diagnostic vigilance and conduct an appropriate examination in patients with polytrauma, especially those received while riding a motorcycle. The diagnosis of the trauma can be made if, on physical examination, there is a dense elastic formation corresponding to a displaced testicle with simultaneous desolation of half of the scrotum. This will help speed up the diagnosis and initiation of treatment, as well as facilitate preoperative planning of interventions on the bones of the anterior pelvic ring. Therefore, diagnostic instrumental and physical examination with palpation of both testicles upon admission is highly recommended.
The Scientific and Practical Society of Emergency Medicine Physicians
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