1. Department of Media Studies, School of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, REVA University
Modern organizations receive land, labor, capital, investors, distributors, consumers, image builders, events managers and other facilitators of organizational development. They are required to establish and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with the communities since they are at the receiving end. Community relationship management is an important activity undertaken by the modern organizations. These organizations must cultivate civic responsibility and repay their gratitude to the local community. Community involvement is necessary to foster a sense of community teamwork for the sustainable development of the organization. A comprehensive community relations program enhances the visibility of organizations and brings the community closer to the organizational mainstream. Good community relations programs generate series of advantages to the organizations. New business opportunities also crop up on the basis of effective community relations programmes implemented by the modern organizations. The salient features of community relations management are primarily discussed in this paper on the basis of qualitative research methodology.
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