1. Department of Education, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
2. Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
Computer Assisted Instruction, abbreviated as CAI, is one of the best products of ICT to education. The roots of CAI rest on theories of behaviorists. The major modes of CAI include drill & practice, tutorial, simulation, gaming, and problem-solving. Many studies had been conducted to determine the effectiveness of CAI on the scholastic performance of students. The findings of the studies showed the effectiveness of CAI in terms of better performance of students, moreover, it was also revealed that CAI boosts the interest of students in learning. The captivating nature of images, graphics, animations, audio & video makes CAI an interesting & effective teaching-learning tool. It has the potential to present material in more live & concrete form. The abstract concepts which are difficult to understand for students can be easily comprehended using CAI. Biology is one of the major fields of science deals with vast domains of life & living beings. It has many concepts that are quite a trouble in understanding due to their abstract nature. CAI has much potential to bring abstract concepts into concrete & interactive form. The results of studies disclosed the productiveness of CAI in teaching & learning biology.
KEYWORDS Computer Assisted Instruction, CAI, Biology, Achievement
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