1. Department of Education, University of Delhi
This paper is based on a small qualitative case study to understand the conceptions of children of migrant workers about their educational and school experiences. An in-depth open-ended interview was taken with a girl in third grade to understand her conceptions about education and her educa-tional experiences after migration from a rural to an urban setup. Similarly, an open-ended interview was also taken with the girl’s mother to take her perspective and fill in the gaps in the girl’s narra-tive. The data gathered in the study was thematically analysed. The core idea that emerged from the study was that the child’s conceptions and experiences of education share a reciprocal relationship with a) child’s school experience, b) learning assistance outside the school, c) family dynamics /home environment bound by the comparative and contrasting socio-economic contexts encountered due to the process of migration. The study showed that the post-migration child is having all the facilities, peer support, amenities, and teacher support that were lacking in her previous school in the rural area which is instrumental in uplifting her. However, it was also found that a disconnect exists between school and parents and the child is acting as the sole bridge between the two.
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