1. M. K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar
The restaurants business is growing at it's own pace in the world as well as in India. This paper
examines the relationship of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty among customers of
restaurants in Gujarat state of India. Various factors are used to measured customer satisfaction and
customer loyalty among customers of restaurants via a structured questionnaire. A sample of 381
respondents using convenience sampling was surveyed. The analysis is done using descriptive
analysis, pearson correlation coefficient, linear regression analysis, t test and ANOVA test. The
positive correlation is found between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and thus,
coefficients of regression and adjusted R2
are calculated. Among demongraphics, gender, age and
income groups have shown a significant difference of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty
while education groups didn't show a significant difference of customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty. Females are more satisfied and loyal compared to males while less than 25 years of age
group is the most satisfied and loyal among all age groups. As income increases the satisfaction and
loyalty decreases upto the yearly income of rs. 12,00,000. For formulating marketing strategies,
further research is required but, the research has thrown light on relationship and demographic
group comparisons and may be helpful for marketers and further researchers.
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