1. Department of English, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Vadodara, Gujarat
Emotions are the most valuable treasure of humankind. It depends on the level of attachment to another person or object, as well as the level of experience. Emotions vary in response to changes in experiences and situations. The study of emotional changes is important, and it becomes much more fascinating when the emotional bonding is between a place or a city rather than a person. Every city dweller has a strong emotional relationship with the place where they were born or grew up, and they express their feelings in a variety of ways. Poets convey their feelings of love or disappointment for the city in a variety of poetic genres. The city eventually undergoes various changes as a result of modernization, which alters the poet’s experience including the poet's surroundings. The city undergoes various changes as a result of the powerful impact of modernism, which alters the poet’s experience as well as the changing emotions linked with it. The study focuses on the concept of place attachment and changes in poets’ emotions for the city, using Gujarati ghazals on Surat as an example to show how earlier the concrete was emotions, but now emotions have become concrete.
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