We all are on Live in the Digital world. And this digital world everything runs from the strategy of item's marketing. And that's why we can say that in the digital world, any of the items if marketing is strong then we can cell any of the items and the economy will boost automatically. Marketing increases the value of information in the Marketplace ( Today we will see Marketplace is Mart). Marketing is not only increasing business but also promoting business also and into the field of library, marketing perspective, it is important for people to be aware of library service. Library marketing is effective not only for the regular user but also for a new user to know our library service, and as a result of this marketing, a new user will be coming to the library. Library Marketing serves a chain between library users and library services. Today's digital world, due to the marketing of the library. Academic as well as public library making good relations with users. In this paper, we will look at how university libraries should adopt a marketing approach. With the help of this approach provide information on what changes should be made to the library service. This paper discusses how to market a library in the digital world. In this paper, we also focus on how can we use our library with a social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, etc. With a good library marketing method we were able to provide a good library service and with this marketing library service and study will be increased.
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