Efficient and Reliable Multihop Routing for IoT Healthcare Applications
Nawaz N.,Meenakshi R.,Ramakrishnan R.,Chirputka A.
A wireless body area network (WBAN) collects several tiny sensor nodes in the human body. They are intended to observe data constantly forward and perform as critical structures for remote healthcare monitoring and healing. These protect the preferred reliability and efficiency of data transmissions of individual body sensors. However, with the restricted sensor energy, unreliable link connection, and complex channel environment, the design of efficient routing in Multihop WBANs is demanding. This article, Efficient and Reliable Multihop Routing (ERMR) for IoT Healthcare Applications, is proposed. The main concept is to incorporate a fuzzy-logic system to handle multiple cross-layer input variables independently. This approach uses the fuzzy logic method to select the optimal route in the WBAN. The fuzzy input like sensor node distance, link strength, energy, and node quality of Service and produce the output is a reliable forwarder selection. Simulation results demonstrate the proposed approach increases the network throughput and minimizes the network delay in the WBAN.
General Medicine,Materials Chemistry,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Materials Science,General Medicine,General Medicine,Aerospace Engineering,General Medicine