Effectiveness of selected Maternal Positions Onbiophysiological Parameters of Antenatal Mothers and Fetus During Non Stress Test


Hemavathi R.,KalaBarathi S.


Non-Stress test is a non-invasive test performed over 28 week of gestation for detection of ante partum fetal surveillance. Maternal positioning can have an impact on both the mother’s and fetal physiological well-being. Objective: Assess and compare the effectiveness of maternal positions on bio physiological parameters of the fetus during NST. Methods: Quantitative quasi-experimental pretest, posttest only research design, 60 mothers were selected by random sampling technique. Maternal, fetal bio physiological parameters tool was used. The mothers were placed in left lateral, supine position while performing NST and fetal parameters were monitored and interpreted. Mother vitals also monitored. Results: The post test score of fetal reaction in supine was 4.20±1.16 and in lateral 4.90±0.31. The calculated independents’ test value of t = 3.205 was found to be statistically significant at p<0.01 level. Conclusion: This reveals that the left lateral position is highly effective position for the mother while performing NST.



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