Main problems of import subsumption in domestic engineering, applicable to small-power electric generator installations


Shelgunov A. V.1




Subject: the subject of the study are low-power generator sets with a power of up to 30 kW.Materials and methods: in this paper, the main domestic legislative documents regulating the requirements for products. An assessment is made of the current state of Russian engine building.Results: the detailed analysis of the modern domestic market of power generating units with a capacity of up to 30 kW is made, the main problems in the field of domestic production of  electric power generators in the range up to 30 kW are revealed, and the prospects for import substitution of gasoline and diesel engines are noted.Conclusions: almost complete absence of the market of domestic low-power generating sets is established, insufficient measures taken to support domestic producers are noted, measures are  proposed for the development of domestic production of power units in the range of up to 30 kW.


Amp Complect Limited


General Medicine

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