1. Medizinische Klinik–Innenstadt (H.J.S.), Ludwig-Maximilians University, 80336 Munich, Germany
2. Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry (H.J.S., G.K.S.), 80804 Munich, Germany
3. Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (N.F., M.N., H.W.), University of Greifswald, 17489 Greifswald, Germany
4. Clinical Psychology (J.K., L.P., H.-U.W.), Technical University, 01187 Dresden, Germany
5. Institute for Community Medicine (U.J.), University of Greifswald, 17489 Greifswald, Germany
6. Department of Internal Medicine B (M.D., S.F., H.V.), University of Greifswald, 17489 Greifswald, Germany
7. University of Luebeck (H.L.), 23562 Luebeck, Germany
8. Institute of Clinical Pharmacology (D.P.), Technical University, 01187 Dresden, Germany
9. Cardiology Practice (S.S.), 80336 Munich, Germany