1. Mercy Healthcare (P.J.T.), Edmond, Oklahoma 73142
2. Division of Nephrology and Hypertension (D.S.M., P.C.H., R.K.), Rochester, Minnesota 55905
3. Departments of Internal Medicine (D.S.M., P.C.H., R.K.), Rochester, Minnesota 55905
4. Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (D.S.M.), Rochester, Minnesota 55905
5. Heartland Assays LLC (R.L.H.), Ames, Iowa 50010
6. Biochemistry in Molecular Biology (P.C.H., R.K.), Rochester, Minnesota 55905
7. Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (R.J.S., Y.W.), Mayo Clinic Rochester, Rochester, Minnesota 55905
8. Department of Pediatrics (J.W.F.), Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710
9. Department of Internal Medicine (P.R.C.), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514