1. Department of Pediatrics (S.H.G.), Boston Medical Center, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts 02118;
2. Division of Young Adult and Adolescent Medicine (S.H.G., L.K.E., S.J.E., C.M.G.), Department of Medicine; Department of Surgery, Children’s Hospital Boston;
3. Clinical Research Program (H.A.F., S.K.O.), Children’s Hospital Boston; Department of Surgery, Children’s Hospital Boston;
4. Division of Endocrinology (H.A.F., S.K.O., C.M.G.), Department of Medicine; Department of Surgery, Children’s Hospital Boston;
5. Harvard Medical School (H.A.F., S.J.E., S.K.O., C.M.G., M.R.L.), Boston, Massachusetts 02115
6. Division of Gynecology (M.R.L.), Department of Surgery, Children’s Hospital Boston;