1. Department of Pediatrics (A.E.J.H., S.L.S.D.), Division of Endocrinology, Erasmus Medical Center-Sophia, 3015 GJ Rotterdam, The Netherlands;
2. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (J.S.E.L., O.V., S.L.F.), Division of Reproductive Medicine
3. Department of Reproductive Medicine and Gynecology (B.C.J.M.F.), University Medical Center, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands;
4. Departments of Biostatistics (M.A.J.d.R.), Erasmus Medical Center, 3015 CE Rotterdam, The Netherlands;
5. Departments of Internal Medicine (F.H.d.J., J.A.V.), Erasmus Medical Center, 3015 CE Rotterdam, The Netherlands;
6. Departments of Information Technology (A.M.v.G.), Erasmus Medical Center, 3015 CE Rotterdam, The Netherlands;
7. Department of Pediatric Endocrinology (A.M.B.), University Medical Center Groningen, 9713 GZ Groningen, The Netherlands