1. Division of Genetic Epidemiology (M.S., F.K.), Department of Medical Genetics, Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck 6020, Austria
2. Third Medical Department of Metabolic Diseases and Nephrology (M.S., M.A., C.F., R.P.), Lainz Hospital, Vienna 1130, Austria
3. Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Metabolic Diseases and Nutrition (M.S., T.K., C.F., K.I., R.P.), Vienna, Austria
4. Karl Landsteiner Institute of Metabolic Diseases and Nephrology (M.S., M.A., T.K., R.P.), Vienna, Austria
5. Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism (C.A.), Department of Internal Medicine 3, Medical University Vienna, Vienna 1090, Austria
6. Austrian Dialysis and Transplantation Registry (R.K.), Klinikum Kreuzschwestern, Third Internal Department, Wels 4600, Austria