1. European Institute for Peptide Research (Institut Fédératif de Recherches Multidisciplinaires sur les Peptides 23), Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Neuroendocrinology (D.C., I.L., J.-M.K., H.V., H.L.), Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) U413, UA Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, University of Rouen, 76821 Mont-Saint-Aignan, France;
2. Laboratory of Oncologic Genetics (F.P., C.B.), Centre Henri Becquerel, 76038 Rouen, France;
3. Department of Endocrinology (J.B.), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Cochin, 75031 Paris, France;
4. Department of Endocrinology (P.C.), CHU of Toulouse, 31403 Toulouse, France;
5. Department of Endocrinology (H.L., J.-M.K.), INSERM U413, CHU of Rouen, 76031 Rouen, France;
6. Division of Endocrinology (A.L.), Department of Medicine, Research Center Hôtel-Dieu, CHUM, Montréal, Canada H2W 1T8;
7. Department of Endocrinology (A.T.), CHU of Bordeaux, 33604 Bordeaux, France;
8. Department of Endocrinology (J.Y.), CHU Kremlin-Bicêtre, 94275 Le Kremlin Bicêtre, France