1. Division of Perinatal Research (A.W.A.), Royal North Shore Hospital and The University of Sydney, Sydney 2065, Australia
2. Royal North Shore Hospital and Kolling Institute (A.W.A., T.Y.L.L., M.-C.M.-K., A.H., A.S.M.), Royal North Shore Hospital and The University of Sydney, Sydney 2065, Australia
3. Cardiovascular and Hormonal Research Laboratory, Department of Cardiology (T.Y.L.L., A.S.M.), Royal North Shore Hospital and The University of Sydney, Sydney 2065, Australia
4. Division of Endocrinology, G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University of Mississippi Medical Center (C.E.G.-S.), Jackson, Mississippi 39216
5. Northern Blood Research Centre and Department of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine (M.-C.M.-K.), Royal North Shore Hospital and The University of Sydney, Sydney 2065, Australia
6. Analytical Chemistry Unit (B.M.), Pathology Queensland, Health Services Support Agency, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland 4029, Australia
7. Sydney Neuro-Oncology Group and Bill Walsh Translational Cancer Research Laboratory (A.H.), Royal North Shore Hospital and The University of Sydney, Sydney 2065, Australia