11p15 Imprinting Center Region 1 Loss of Methylation Is a Common and Specific Cause of Typical Russell-Silver Syndrome: Clinical Scoring System and Epigenetic-Phenotypic Correlations


Netchine Irène123,Rossignol Sylvie123,Dufourg Marie-Noëlle123,Azzi Salah12,Rousseau Alexandra24,Perin Laurence3,Houang Muriel3,Steunou Virginie1,Esteva Blandine3,Thibaud Nathalie3,Raux Demay Marie-Charles3,Danton Fabienne3,Petriczko Elzbieta5,Bertrand Anne-Marie6,Heinrichs Claudine7,Carel Jean-Claude8,Loeuille Guy-André9,Pinto Graziella10,Jacquemont Marie-Line11,Gicquel Christine123,Cabrol Sylvie13,Le Bouc Yves123


1. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale U 515 (I.N., S.R., M.-N.D., S.A., V.S., C.G., S.C., Y.L.B.), 75012 Paris, France

2. Department of Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6 (I.N., S.R., M.-N.D., S.A., A.R., C.G., Y.L.B.), 75012 Paris, France

3. Department of Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Armand-Trousseau, Explorations Fonctionnelles Endocriniennes (I.N., S.R., M.-N.D., L.P., M.H., B.E., N.T., M.-C.R.D., F.D., C.G., S.C., Y.L.B.), 75012 Paris, France

4. Department of Hôpital Saint-Antoine-URCEST, Departement of Pharmacology (A.R.), 75012 Paris, France

5. Pomeranian Medical University, Pediatric (E.P.), 70-204 Szczecin, Poland

6. Service de Pédiatrie (A.-M.B.), Centre Hospitalier de Besançon, 25030 Besançon, France

7. Reine Fabiola Hospital, Pediatric Endocrinology (C.H.), 1020 Brussels, Belgium

8. Service d’Endocrinologie Pédiatrique (J.-C.C.), Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Robert-Debré, 75019 Paris, France

9. Service de Pédiatrie (G.-A.L.), Centre Hospitalier de Dunkerque, 59385 Dunkerque, France

10. Service d’Endocrinologie Pédiatrique (G.P.), Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Necker, 75743 Paris, France

11. Service de Génétique (M.-L.J.), Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Robert-Debré, 75019 Paris, France


Abstract Context: Russell-Silver syndrome (RSS), characterized by intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation, dysmorphic features, and frequent body asymmetry, spares cranial growth. Maternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 7 (mUPD7) is found in 5–10% of cases. We identified loss of methylation (LOM) of 11p15 Imprinting Center Region 1 (ICR1) domain (including IGF-II) as a mechanism leading to RSS. Objective: The aim was to screen for 11p15 epimutation and mUPD7 in RSS and non-RSS small-for-gestational-age (SGA) patients and identify epigenetic-phenotypic correlations. Studied Population and Methods: A total of 127 SGA patients were analyzed. Clinical diagnosis of RSS was established when the criterion of being SGA was associated with at least three of five criteria: postnatal growth retardation, relative macrocephaly, prominent forehead, body asymmetry, and feeding difficulties. Serum IGF-II was evaluated for 82 patients. Results: Of the 127 SGA patients, 58 were diagnosed with RSS; 37 of these (63.8%) displayed partial LOM of the 11p15 ICR1 domain, and three (5.2%) had mUPD7. No molecular abnormalities were found in the non-RSS SGA group (n = 69). Birth weight, birth length, and postnatal body mass index (BMI) were lower in the abnormal 11p15 RSS group (ab-ICR1-RSS) than in the normal 11p15 RSS group [−3.4 vs.−2.6 sd score (SDS), −4.4 vs.−3.4 SDS, and −2.5 vs.−1.6 SDS, respectively; P < 0.05]. Among RSS patients, prominent forehead, relative macrocephaly, body asymmetry, and low BMI were significantly associated with ICR1 LOM. All ab-ICR1-RSS patients had at least four of five criteria of the scoring system. Postnatal IGF-II levels were within normal values. Conclusion: The 11p15 ICR1 epimutation is a major, specific cause of RSS exhibiting failure to thrive. We propose a clinical scoring system (including a BMI < −2 SDS), highly predictive of 11p15 ICR1 LOM, for the diagnosis of RSS.


The Endocrine Society


Biochemistry, medical,Clinical Biochemistry,Endocrinology,Biochemistry,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism








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