1. Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP) (M.L.-M., T.M., C.A., M.V., P.J.G.), Department of Medicine B, Lariboisiere Hospital, University Paris 7 Denis-Diderot, 75010 Paris, France
2. APHP (C.B.-C., S.B.), Department of Genetics, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, 75013 Paris, France
3. APHP (P.M., A.L.-C.), Service of Ophthalmology, Lariboisiere Hospital, University Paris 7 Denis-Diderot, 75010 Paris, France
4. Department of Endocrinology (B.V.), La Timone Hospital, 13274 Marseilles, France
5. University Hospital (H.G.), 33064 Pessac, France
6. APHP (J.T., D.D.-L.), Department of Immunology and Diabetology, Cochin Hospital, Université René-Descartes, 75014 Paris, France
7. Begin Hospital (B.Ba.), 94160 Saint-Mandé, France
8. General Hospital (L.B.), 28000 Chartres, France
9. Robert Debre Hospital (E.B.), 51100 Reims, France
10. Department of Internal Medicine B (J.-F.B., D.P.-B.), University Hospital, 67091 Strasbourg, France
11. Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology (J.C.-V., P.C.), General Hospital, 95107 Argenteuil, France
12. Department of Diabetology (A.C.), General Hospital, 64109 Bayonne, France
13. North Cardiology Center (S.C.), 93207 Saint-Denis, France
14. Department of Diabetology (G.C., J.P.R.), Gilles-de-Corbeil Hospital, 91106 Corbeil, France
15. Department of Endocrinology (P.C.), University Hospital, 42000 Saint-Etienne, France
16. Department of Diabetology (T.C.), General Hospital, 57126 Thionville, France
17. Department of Diabetology and Endocrinology (B.D.), Robert Debré Hospital, 51092 Reims Cédex, France
18. Department of Medicine (F.D.), General Hospital, 80100 Abbeville, France
19. Department of Endocrinology (P.H.D.), University Hospital, 49933 Angers, France
20. Department of Internal Medicine and Hypertension (B.Bo.), Rangueil Hospital, 31059 Toulouse, France
21. Sainte-Blandine Hospital (L.D., J.L.), 57046 Metz, France
22. General Hospital (T.G.), 89011 Auxerre, France
23. APHP (A.G.), Department of Diabetology, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, 75013 Paris, France
24. Department of Diabetology (B.G.), Jeanne-d’Arc Hospital, 54201 Dommartin-les-Toul, France
25. Department of Diabetology (V.J.), General Hospital, 44600 Saint-Nazaire, France
26. Department of Endocrinology (E.K.), General Hospital, 60324 Compiègne, France
27. Department of Diabetology (E.L., A.S.-G.), Hôtel Dieu Hospital, 75004 Paris, France
28. Department of Diabetology (F.L.), Rangueil Hospital, 31043 Toulouse, France
29. Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology (J.M.), Dupuytren Hospital, 87042 Limoges, France
30. Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases (A.M.), Hotel-Dieu, 44093 Nantes, France
31. Department of Diabetology (S.N.-F.), Saint-Joseph Hospital, 75014 Paris, France
32. Department of Endocrinology (F.O.), General Hospital, 46005 Cahors, France
33. Unit of Genetics (V.P.-F.), L’Archet Hospital, 06202 Nice, France
34. Medical Center (I.R.), 37000 Tours, France
35. Department of Endocrinology (Y.R.), University Hospital, 14033 Caen, France
36. Department of Diabetology (S.S.), Bretagne Sud Hospital, 56322 Lorient, France
37. Department of Endocrinology (E.S.), La Cavale Blanche University Hospital, 29200 Brest, France
38. APHP (J.L.T.), Department of Internal Medecine, Henri-Mondor Hospital, 94010 Créteil, France
39. Department of Diabetology (B.T.), Y. Le Foll Hospital, 22027 Saint-Brieuc, France