1. Department of Internal Medicine (H.W.K., J.E.L.), Wonkwang University, Gunpo 570–479, South Korea
2. Department of Internal Medicine (J.J.C., J.E.K., M.H.L., H.K.S., D.H.N., Y.S.K., D.R.C.), Korea University Ansan Hospital, Ansan 425–020, South Korea
3. Department of Internal Medicine (Y.Y.H.), Sungkyunkwan University Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Seoul 135–710, South Korea
4. Department of Pathology (J.Y.H.), Inha University Hospital, Incheon 402–751, South Korea
5. Department of Internal Medicine (S.Y.H., K.H.H.), Division of Nephrology, Inje University, Goyang 411-706, South Korea