1. Endocannabinoid Research Group (I.M., P.O., L.D.P., S.P., V.D.M.) 40138 Bologna, Italy
2. Institutes of Biomolecular Chemistry (I.M., S.P., V.D.M.), 40138 Bologna, Italy
3. Université de La Réunion (M.-P.G., L.H., F.F., R.R.), 97715 La Réunion, France
4. Biochemistry of Proteins (P.O.), 40138 Bologna, Italy
5. Department of Psychiatry (V.M., M.M., P.M.), Second University of Naples, 80138 Naples, Italy
6. Cybernetics (L.D.P.), National Research Council, 80078 Pozzuoli (NA), Italy
7. Endocrinology Unit (C.C., R.P., U.P.), Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Center of Applied Biomedical Research, S. Orsola-Malpighi General Hospital, 40138 Bologna, Italy